Finally! I’ve added all the old posts to my blog from BackLinkMachine, all the way back to the Welcome post that was published on 3 June 2006.
I still have to add a few inner pages to the site which were linked from within some posts. I’ll do them soon enough too 🙂
Some of the interesting posts I came across while updating my blog are listed below:
- Never run out of Facebook Content Ideas
- I won the free 24 LCD contest at
- I received the t-shirt I won at EverybodyGoTo!
- JohnChow visited my Blog!!!!
- Getting on ShoeMoney top commentators list!
- On first page of Google in less than 6 hours!
- Killer Link Building Strategies Mini Guide
- PR Increase for Internal Page!
Be sure to read through these and stay tuned for more posts!