
I’m now a Level 2 Seller on Fiverr!

I’m now a Level 2 Seller on Fiverr!

Weehee! It’s been a while I’ve been doing Gigs on Fiverr, and I recently got upgraded to a Level 2 Seller.

Level 2 Seller Rating is achieved when you Complete at least 50 individual orders in two consecutive months, Maintain a 4.5 star rating or above, and Have a low cancellation rate.

Level 2 Sellers on Fiverr can have 20 Active Gigs, 5 Gig Extras, and 16 Gig Multiples. To learn more about the different levels, visit https://www.fiverr.com/levels#level_two_seller

Fiverr is a great way to meet new clients and it has helped me expand my SEO and SEM business as well. Currently, I’m doing Gigs to Write unique Facebook posts to increase social engagement. Some of my other Gigs include "Writing an Engaging SEO Friendly Blog Post", and "Leaving Relevant comments on your blog."

Visit my Profile on Fiverr.com to go through the feedbacks and reviews left by satisfied clients. You can also place an order for my gig for just $5!

Google Updates Title and Description Lengths for Search Results

If you haven’t been keeping yourself abreast with the latest search engine news, you might have missed a very important update that Google made to the SERPs. Back in May 2016, Google, the search engine giant, extended the length of Titles and Descriptions. The news was greeted with PANIC by webmasters around the globe! This update came just after a recent change to the SERPs which had been made earlier.

Length of Title tags was extended from 50 – 60 characters to 70-71 characters. This allows one or two more words to squeeze in, adding a lot more sense and detail when writing Title tags.

Google SERPs Update

A similar change was also seen for Meta Description tags, which increased from their usual length of 155-160 characters to 200 characters, which is 44 characters more than what it was before. It is expected that Google would adjust their search results to allow for longer descriptions, but it is also expected that Google might just reverse the change at any time. Changing your Titles and Descriptions just now might not be a good idea unless you’re sure that the change will stay permanently.

Many webmasters didn’t see any change in their CTR (Click-Through Rate), while others saw a positive impact on CTR. If you’re not interested in ranking high in search results, you might just sit idle and do nothing. Your competitors will climb up in the SERPs with new modifications to their Titles and Descriptions. But if you don’t want to miss out the action, you can add a new column to your database for the new titles and metas along with the old titles and metas.

Another important thing to note is that the change was updated to both desktop and mobile devices. However, some meta descriptions are exempt to this update, which show as many as 283 characters. As long as your website has rich content and is user-friendly, you can expect to see an increased click-through rate with longer titles and metas.

Let us know in the comments below if you saw any change in your website CTR or not.

FIVERR.com – I will write 10 Unique Facebook posts to increase social engagement

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. I had a great time and took a little vacation too πŸ™‚

But it’s back to work for me now!!!

Today, I want to share with you my Gig on Fiverr which has been doing great since I started it. I am offering to write 10 unique, high quality, and interesting posts which you can add to your Facebook page.

Writing interesting posts and updating your Facebook page can be a daunting task sometimes. You often find yourself running out of Facebook content ideas, or maybe you’re just too tired or lazy to do it yourself. No harm in taking some help when you need it!

I will write 10 unique posts that will increase social engagement when you post them on your page and share them with your fans. They will also help increase likes, shares, and comments on your page.

I can write informative, and humorous posts as well as quick tips, facts, and Did-you-know posts.

All I need is the following from you:

1. URL of your Facebook page
2. URL of your website (if any)

Please Note: I will NOT publish the posts on your page, I will write them and send them to you, so you will be able to post/schedule them. I do NOT need your Facebook page access.

I am also offering 2 extra images as a Gig Extra that you can post on your Facebook page. These images or memes will be related to the theme and topic of your business.

Keep your Facebook page wall updated with fresh and regular posts. A regularly updated Facebook page ranks better in the SERPs and regular updates help you interact with your fans.

So head over to FIVERR.COM and Order My Gig Today for just $5!

My blog is finally up-to-date

Finally! I’ve added all the old posts to my blog from BackLinkMachine, all the way back to the Welcome post that was published on 3 June 2006.

I still have to add a few inner pages to the site which were linked from within some posts. I’ll do them soon enough too πŸ™‚

Some of the interesting posts I came across while updating my blog are listed below:

Be sure to read through these and stay tuned for more posts!

Back after a LONG time!

A big hello to all my friends and followers out there! The last several months, or I should say, the last 3 years were very tiring, busy, hectic and exhausting. For those of you wondering why I was absent for so long, read on…

I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in January 2011. It was a life changing event for me. Those who are not aware, MS is a neurological disease that affects young adults, specially women, and hinders their ability to day-to-day tasks. MS is an auto-immune disease where the body’s own immune system attacks the central nervous system, causing a loss of functioning in certain areas of the body.

The first 2 – 3 years after my diagnosis were very scary and depressing and I was down in the pits for a long time. In the beginning I was in total denial and couldn’t accept the fact that I had MS! However, gradually, I found the courage to accept my disease, understand it and learn to live a normal and active life with it. I even took the initiative to start a non-profit organization for the welfare of MS patients which I am running under the name ‘Society for Multiple Sclerosis Patients in Pakistan‘. You can visit the website at www.smspp.org.pk

Meanwhile while all of this was happening, my website blog at SEO-Reloaded was hacked and the database was corrupted. I could not retrieve the files as the backups were also corrupted. Anyways, the easiest solution I could find was to start the site all over again. No point crying over spilled milk. So here is the first post. I might be able to get hold and find some of the earlier posts on my PC somewhere which I’ll try and add to the site. I still have to customize the theme a bit, update the contact details and get it working… one step at a time πŸ™‚

Living with MS is not easy at all, but I try to live an active and normal life as much as possible. The disease has shattered a lot of my dreams, but at the same time, it has made me stronger and resilient. I plan to get back on my feet and start over once again. It won’t be easy, but I’m not a quitter. I’ve also started working on a couple of new projects which I will be sharing soon, so stay tuned!

Life has taught me that Nothing is impossible! The sky is the limit, so keep trying and never give up!

Archived Posts Recovered from WayBackMachine

I am so happy to announce that I recovered my old blog posts from the archives on WayBackMachine

I wanted to get hold of the old posts as I had put in a lot of effort, time and energy writing and posting them. Thank goodness I found them all πŸ™‚

I will be posting them gradually as backdated posts on this blog now. It will not only help populate this blog, but it will help users browse through my old work. Most importantly, the posts will also help bring search engine spiders to my blog as CONTENT IS KING!

Snapshots of my old blog can be seen at these links:





What you need to know about Google’s new Hummingbird Update

Google Hummingbird UpdateSearch Engine Optimizers and website owners are familiar with the fact that Google changes its algorithm a bazillion times ever year and each time, they give the update a unique name. Some of the names may sound extremely funny because they are based on people, cities, states, animals or drinks. Some of their most popular updates were the Penguin, Panda, Pelican, Polar Bear and not to forget the Big Daddy update. The codename of Google’s most recent algorithm update is “Hummingbird”.

The announcement of Google’s Hummingbird update made quite a stir in the web and SEO communities. The announcement of the algorithm coincides with Google Search turning 15 years last month. From 1998 to 2013, Google Search has come a long way and so has the way information is shared on the Internet. Today, billions of people have access to the Internet daily and the web has grown exponentially in the last 2 decades.

Unlike the Panda, Penguin and other updates which were changes to parts of the old algorithm, the Hummingbird update is a major update, much like the Caffeine Update that happened in 2010, but it is still different. The Hummingbird update sorts through the information available on the web effectively rather than simply improving the way Google gathers information. According to Amit Singhal, Google’s search chief, this is a drastic change in the algorithm since he joined in 2001.

Should you be worried?

According to Google, there is nothing new or different which SEOs and website publishers need to worry about. If you have original, high-quality content on your website, you should not be worried. Original and high quality content will always be appreciated by Google; the Hummingbird update just allows Google to process that content in new and better ways.

The next good thing is that if the past Google updates have not affected you, you will come through Hummingbird unscathed too. The algorithm was already live for a month before it was publicly announced and there has not been a major outcry among publishers. There may be a query-by-query effect which helps improve specific searches, but it is not an update which will cause major traffic shifts.

In these 15 years, Google has become less of a search engine and more of a wise, all-knowing guru. Questions like “Who”, “What”, “When”, “Where”, “Why” related to your daily struggles are effectively answered by Google. Internet users have also changed the way they search online, and instead of typing in a few keywords related to a topic, they enter lengthy queries regularly. Hummingbird is addressing this search trend.

With Hummingbird, Google is trying to understand the user’s intent and meaning when they type in “long tail” searches. Google announced that it is moving away from a keyword-based search to providing niche websites to the searcher. When Amit Singhal announced the Hummingbird update, he also affirmed that Hummingbird is also an infrastructural update, which governs more than 200 elements that make up Google’s algorithm.

What do you think of the Hummingbird update? Do you think your website is now getting more visitors, less visitors or you don’t see any change in web traffic?

Never run out of Facebook Content Ideas

I have been managing a Facebook page for the Society for Multiple Sclerosis Patients in Pakistan and have often found myself short of ideas to add to the page. So I have compiled this list of ideas which will help you keep your Facebook page updated with fresh posts and updates all the time. Just like coming up with new ideas to update your blog regularly can be demanding, coming up with ideas for your Facebook page can also be challenging.

A major issue with social media pages, especially Facebook posts, is that the post needs to be interesting which engages the Facebook fans. So before you start biting your nails, here are some great tips to help you come up with content ideas that are worth sharing on Facebook!

Keep a notepad with you at all times

An idea can come to you anytime, whether you are in the office, going to work, shopping at the supermarket, visiting a friend or just browsing online. You might be surprised, but ideas can even come to you when you are in the shower or trying to get some sleep at night. The best thing to do when an idea comes to your mind is to note it down somewhere and document it. You can do it using a paper and pencil or using your mobile. Just make sure you document the idea before you forget about it.

Use a Planner or calendar

Once you have all the ideas with you, the next step is to organize them. Use a calendar or planner for that. If there is an event coming up, mark it on your calendar. Documenting the ideas on an editorial calendar will help you plan ahead and keep you on track. When you note down and mark it on your calendar, there is no chance that you will miss an event. Be sure to review the calendar every couple of weeks as it will help you come up with new ideas and you can also expand on earlier posts.

Generate a list of Keywords

Sit down and brainstrom for some keywords related to your Facebook page. Search those keywords on Google and list down more keywords related to your main keyword. Keywords can help you come up with lots of fresh ideas. You can also use keyword search tools to see what other keywords are highly searched and use them in your Facebook posts.


Use images to post on your Facebook page

Check Pinterest for graphic ideas related to your Facebook page. Hire a graphic designer or use a photo editing software like Adobe Photoshop to create new images for your page. Facebook is all about visuals and Facebook users love to see videos, screencasts, cartoons and memes. I use a lot of image based posts on the Facebook page for the Society for Multiple Sclerosis Patients in Pakistan, and I have added all those images to the Pinterest page for SMSPPakistan also.

Stay up to date with industry news

Join forums, newsletters, set up a newsreader and visit niche sites and communities related to your page. This will not only increase your knowledge and make you more productive, but it will also give you a lot of fresh content ideas. Be sure to note down all those ideas and mark them on your calendar. You can even subscribe to magazines related to your specific niche and use them for more ideas. AND do not forget to use your competitor’s page as a source of ideas!

Use these tips and you will never run out of ideas to update your Facebook page ever!

What is Guest Blogging?

When bloggers write posts or content to share or publish on other blogs, it is called Guest Blogging. This method has gained a lot of popularity recently and can be done in two different ways:

  1. When you write a post and have it published on another blog.
  2. When someone else submits a guest post to your blog.

Let’s have a closer look at what these two types really are.

Publishing guest posts on other blogs – As a blogger, you can increase the reach and exposure of your blog as well as your knowledge by writing posts and publishing them on other blogs. A guest post is not necessarily promotional stuff, but it can be on any topic which is interesting for the readers of that blog where you will be publishing the guest post. You can include a link or reference to your blog at the end of the guest post to drive traffic and users to your website or blog.

Allowing guest blogging on your blog – You can allow bloggers to guest post on your blog. This way, you will not be updating your blog yourself at all times, but you will have content / posts coming from other bloggers. Just make sure the post you are publishing on your blog is not blatant promotion and is interesting for your readers. The guest blogger can add a link at the end of the guest post to drive traffic and users to their blog or website.

Why Guest Blogging?

Guest Blogging is a great way to get backlinks from other websites to your website. The good thing is that these links stay there for a very long time unlike link directories or reciprocal link pages which are updated and cleaned regularly. Guest Blogging not only helps build quality back links to your site but it can also help drive traffic and users to your blog.

As an active blogger, you should use guest blogging to help promote your products or services. Guest blogging gets quality backlinks which help improve your website rank in search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc. It is also great for branding also.

Guest Blogging may be a slow process, but it will help in your SEO efforts. Make sure you look for blogs which are related to the theme of your website or blog where you get your guest post published.

5 Proven ways to get Targeted Traffic to your Website

When a person starts an online business, the most important thing to focus on is to get targeted traffic. Most businessmen think that by just buying a website and telling a few people about it, they will start getting customers which will help increase sales. Unfortunately, this approach never works. Without targeted traffic, no online business can run smoothly and make money.

Today, there are millions of websites on the internet which provide information to their visitors. Every day, hundreds of new websites are being made which increase the options for internet users to find any desired information online, so if you want to attract traffic to your website, then the only way is by getting your website in front of those internet users who are in search of the products and services that your business is offering. Five proven and guaranteed ways are given below which will surely help in getting targeted traffic to your website.

1. Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising
PPC advertising is one of the best and low-cost ways to attract targeted traffic to a website as one can get traffic to their website for as low as 0.01 per click. These clicks can be easily tracked using Google Analytics and Google Adwords. The first step is to create hyperlinks or banners for the PPC ads. These banners are then added to your Google Adwords account and distributed to website owners who have a business website related to your website and who are willing to advertise and get paid. When an internet user visits their website, he/she notices the banner and the possibility of clicking on that banner increases. When anyone clicks on the banner, it takes the visitor to your website, increasing traffic to your site.

2. Forum Marketing
Forums are the biggest source to attract targeted traffic to a website. If the businessman has knowledge about his potential customers, then it is easy to find them. Just find the forums on which you think you will find your prospective customers. For example, if you are running a furniture business, then type “furniture+forums” in Google. See the number of posts on the forum and if it looks busy, then join the community. Post interesting information on it from time to time. To advertise your website and to get the customers to visit it, just add the URL of the website in your signature. After adding the link, you don’t have to do anything; the link will work for you.

3. Article Marketing
Article submission to different article directories is a guaranteed way of attracting targeted customers to your website. You just have to write some informative articles related to your business and submit them to popular article directories like hubpages.com and articlebase.com. You can also publish those articles on other social media websites and submit them as guest posts on related blogs. Never forget to include a link to your website in the ‘about section’ and also be careful not to try and sell your products or services in the articles directly.

4. Paid Online Article Marketing
This is another kind of article marketing where you have to pay for your articles and get them listed in article directories. The amount of money you have to pay is less, and in return, it gives more profit. By paying, it is guaranteed that your article will appear on the main page of the directories. When any targeted customer reads that article, the possibility of visiting your website and purchasing from it increases.

5. “Stealing” other website’s customers
Stealing the customers of other websites is beneficial and you can do it online as well as offline. Search for businesses that are relevant to your business. For example, if you are in a business of selling wooden furniture, try to find websites that sell plastic furniture. Then ask the website owner to advertise your website in his monthly newsletter or advertise it by sending emails to his list of customers and tell him that you will also advertise his website in your newsletters. You will surely get benefit from this deal if that website has got thousands of customers. This method will increase the sale of your products and give you profit.