
How can website templates be beneficial for you?

Dream TemplateMany businesses and individuals who plan to start a new website for themselves often face some serious questions like

  • What should my website look like?
  • Whom should I contact to make a design for my website?
  • Is there a quick way to grab some ready-to-use designs which I can use for my website?

The design, layout and look and feel of your new website are some of the most crucial parts of the whole process of getting a new website made. A poorly designed website may not captivate the attention of the user visiting it, could be boring or might not be able to convert the users to customers for you. Therefore, choosing the right design for your website is very important.

Today, there are hundreds of websites on the web which offer thousands of website templates to people looking to start their new websites. DreamTemplate is a website selling thousands web templates, flash templates and powerpoint and word templates categorized according to different themes. They even have free website templates which can help you start a business or personal website in no time. You can also benefit from their limited time offer for unlimited access to all their website templates for a special price of only $59.95!

Benefits of using web templates

Choosing a website template to start your new site has its own benefits. Some of the most important benefits are listed below:

  • You have a wide variety of options available to choose from
  • Instant availability of design
  • Saves time contacting a web design firm which can take a lot of time, effort and money
  • HTML Text is also available readily so you do not have to worry about the design conversion
  • You also have an option to pay the unique price for a template

There are many more advantages of choosing a website template for your website. Another interesting thing about these templates is that they follow the latest design guidelines. If you hire a web designer, you might be worried if the designer will be able to make a design for you which is colorful, trendy, stylish, and modern, is user friendly and meets your needs. Moreover, you should make sure that the design is completely user friendly as well as search engine friendly so you will not have problems with the site later on.

So if you plan to buy a template for your next website, visit www.dreamtemplate.com

The importance of Search Engine Friendly Website Design

Some people think that the design of a website has nothing to do with the SEO or Search Engine Optimization of a website. However, this is a completely wrong assumption. Search Engine Optimization is affected by a number of factors, which include both on-page optimization as well as off-site or off-page optimization techniques.

Title Tags, Meta Keywords and Meta Description Tags, along with the website content and keywords used in the body content all contribute towards the on-site or on-page factors. What webmasters sometimes ignore is that the design and development of a website is also another factor which affects Search Engine Rankings.

A website can be designed with a table layout or it can be made div-based. The DIV based design uses CSS styling to control the layout of the entire page. Since most of the design is controlled through the CSS Style Sheets, the HTML code of the web pages itself decreases considerably, hence improving the Text to HTML ratio of every page of the website. This improvement helps in on-page optimization and hence, can lead to improved Search Engine Rankings.

Having a Search Engine Friendly website is important for improved Search Engine Rankings. Some webmasters focus on making their websites W3C compliant. However, it should be taken into consideration that W3C standards are over-hyped and making websites compliant is not extremely necessary.

Other factors which contribute to having a Search Engine Friendly website include the following:

  • Text based navigation
  • Good Internal Linking of the web pages
  • Website Sitemap

Other things to avoid are the following:

  • Flash navigation
  • JavaScript drop down navigations
  • Use of Frames
  • Flash based website

So when you design and develop your website, make sure you follow the above listed points to make it as Search Engine Friendly as possible. Stay tuned for more tips on making search engine friendly websites.