I have been managing a Facebook page for the Society for Multiple Sclerosis Patients in Pakistan and have often found myself short of ideas to add to the page. So I have compiled this list of ideas which will help you keep your Facebook page updated with fresh posts and updates all the time. Just like coming up with new ideas to update your blog regularly can be demanding, coming up with ideas for your Facebook page can also be challenging.
A major issue with social media pages, especially Facebook posts, is that the post needs to be interesting which engages the Facebook fans. So before you start biting your nails, here are some great tips to help you come up with content ideas that are worth sharing on Facebook!
Keep a notepad with you at all times
An idea can come to you anytime, whether you are in the office, going to work, shopping at the supermarket, visiting a friend or just browsing online. You might be surprised, but ideas can even come to you when you are in the shower or trying to get some sleep at night. The best thing to do when an idea comes to your mind is to note it down somewhere and document it. You can do it using a paper and pencil or using your mobile. Just make sure you document the idea before you forget about it.
Use a Planner or calendar
Once you have all the ideas with you, the next step is to organize them. Use a calendar or planner for that. If there is an event coming up, mark it on your calendar. Documenting the ideas on an editorial calendar will help you plan ahead and keep you on track. When you note down and mark it on your calendar, there is no chance that you will miss an event. Be sure to review the calendar every couple of weeks as it will help you come up with new ideas and you can also expand on earlier posts.
Generate a list of Keywords
Sit down and brainstrom for some keywords related to your Facebook page. Search those keywords on Google and list down more keywords related to your main keyword. Keywords can help you come up with lots of fresh ideas. You can also use keyword search tools to see what other keywords are highly searched and use them in your Facebook posts.
Use images to post on your Facebook page
Check Pinterest for graphic ideas related to your Facebook page. Hire a graphic designer or use a photo editing software like Adobe Photoshop to create new images for your page. Facebook is all about visuals and Facebook users love to see videos, screencasts, cartoons and memes. I use a lot of image based posts on the Facebook page for the Society for Multiple Sclerosis Patients in Pakistan, and I have added all those images to the Pinterest page for SMSPPakistan also.
Stay up to date with industry news
Join forums, newsletters, set up a newsreader and visit niche sites and communities related to your page. This will not only increase your knowledge and make you more productive, but it will also give you a lot of fresh content ideas. Be sure to note down all those ideas and mark them on your calendar. You can even subscribe to magazines related to your specific niche and use them for more ideas. AND do not forget to use your competitor’s page as a source of ideas!
Use these tips and you will never run out of ideas to update your Facebook page ever!