Finding the best website design layout for your new website can be a difficult task, especially if you have limited time at your disposal. is a website which provides eye-catching website templates, flash website templates, logos and corporate ID’s which you can access with their Premium Membership Offer at an affordable price of only $49.95 which provides instant access to all templates with a 6 month access. Their premium membership allows you to download a maximum of 20 premium templates in 24 hours.
Template World offers all kinds of website templates from HTML sites, to full flash websites, Joomla templates, Simple CSS websites, osCommerce Templates as well as xHTML and CSS Templates. They also offer all kinds of Web 2.0 Templates, Logo Templates and WordPress Themes. Downloading templates from the website allows you to preview the website which you will be downloading before you pay for it. The templates are easy to download, use and customize according to your needs. They are also easy to setup and can save you hundreds of dollars without having to contact expensive web design companies.
The templates available at are easy to upload and are made keeping in consideration the latest trends in website design and development. They are compatible with the latest web browsers and can be easily edited using any popular HTML editor such as Dreamweaver, Frontpage, GoLive, Homesite, 1st Page, etc. Their screen resolutions are also available for different screen resolutions as viewed by the users. All website templates are user friendly and use navigations to allow the website visitors to browse around the web pages easily. Even if you have to incorporate them with a custom CMS (Content Management System), you will have no problems in doing that.
The images and logo templates available at TemplateWorld can be easily edited using any image editor, just like the web templates can be edited in any HTML editor. All source files for images and web templates can also be downloaded from the website.
At TemplateWorld, you can browse through a wide range of categories for website templates, which include beauty & fashion, business, cars & vehicles, computers, entertainment, flowers & gifts, food & restaurants, games, health & fitness, hotels, jewellery, online stores, portals, real estate, sports, travel & vacation, web design and web hosting to name a few. They also offer custom web template designs services which you can hire to get a custom website design made for you website.