
Can I win this 24 inch LCD contest at CashForComments.com?

Win a 24

There’s still one day to go and I’m not going to miss this Contest for a Free 24 inch LCD giveaway at the CashForComments.com blog. I’ve been trying my luck at different contents, but have never entered in any contest held at CASHforCOMMENTS.com before.

The good thing about this contest is that its free to enter and the readers have 3 ways to benefit:

  • Win a 24″ $599 LCD
  • Win a 4-Hour Workweek book
  • Get traffic to your blog or website when you become part of the winning prizes πŸ˜€

Last date for entry to the contest is before 15 September 2007 and the grand prize of LG 24 inch Widescreen Flat-Panel LCD Monitor, which is sponsored by Elite baseball instruction which give baseball training videos designed to improve the basic skills of players of all ages.

Cash For Comments is a blog where you get paid to comment. Every day Prinja holds a “Best commentator of the day” prize to give away some cash to the best commentators on his blog. He has this funny way of rewarding the winner with $1 which he sends them by snail mail πŸ˜›

Win a free shirt every week in September

Winters coming and I’m going to try my luck at winning a T-shirt, so I’m entering the Funny T Shirt contest at Everybody go to. Ali J has come up with the ultimate plan of designing some new funny t-shirts every weekday and sell them online.

Comments closed shirt

The contest is simple to enter. All you need to do is write a post about the contest in your blog with a link to the funny shirts page and your name. Each trackback will be put into a little bowl and entered in the lucky draw every Saturday till the end of September.

I have my eyes on the ‘Comments Closed‘ t-shirt which he has designed especially for the ladies πŸ˜› You can order the shirt at Cafepress by clicking on the shirt image on the left. Do have a look at the other shirts which Ali has designed for bloggers and internet bystanders. Let’s see how this contest goes now!

Win 100 bucks in the Ashwin Khanna Revenge Contest

Contest Blogger

As it turned out, the $2,500 Blogging Contest was a scam, so I am now entering the $100 contest at Contest Blogger. This contest is open only for bloggers who were ‘fooled’ by the contest he was promoting on his blog.

Many webmasters have already started removing links from their contest entries, and Phil has listed all the websites trackbacks on his blog so people get to know about the new contest.

I came to know of the new contest by the traffic / referrals in my web stats from his blog, and then found the trackbacks when I logged into my WordPress Admin Panel.

The deadline for this new contest is September 7, so make sure you follow the instructions to win 100 bucks.

Blog Contest – Great chance to win $2,500 in prize!!!

Ashwin Khanna is holding a crazy blog contest at his blog. The whole idea is to add a post to your blog about his contest with a link to his blog, and enter your self in a chance to win $2,500 hard cash in prize!!! Winner will be sent payment by Paypal so it is necessary that you have a Paypal account for this, to avoid any complications later on πŸ™‚

Here’s what you have to do

Simply copy and paste the following on your blog to be considered as an entrant to the contest.

Over at Ashwin’s blog, you will find one crazy blog owner!! You can win $2500!! To enter just copy this text and paste it in your blog!! But hurry, this competition will not last long! So get posting!

So what are you waiting for?! Join now and have some fun! Who knows you might win the $2,500!

Contest Details

  • The contest started on 11 July 2007 and will end on 20 August 2007.
  • Payment will be sent via Paypal to the winner.
  • Ashwin is looking for a minimum of 50 entrants to give out the prize money.
  • He has not made it public how he will decide the winner yet, and if there will be only 1 winner or several winners.
  • A lot of people questioned him if the contest is a genuine competition, and YES! It is a genuine contest.

Some interesting facts

This contest is an excellent idea for link baiting as it has spurred a lot of excitement among bloggers and website owners.

Here’s what I found out doing a quick search and checking on Technorati:

People are entering the contest like crazy. Just a quick look at the reactions at Technorati shows some very interesting results. Just yesterday, the contest got 7 – 8 more entrants as more and more people are blogging about the contest on their blogs. The screenshot below highlights some of them.

I’ll also help promote the contest so he reaches his minimum 50 entrants limit soon, although I’m sure he must have reached that mark already πŸ˜€

The post will also be visible on my Digital Point Profile in the Recent Blog Post Feed link, so hopefully a lot of new webmasters will be able to signup from there!

Ashwin's Blog