When bloggers write posts or content to share or publish on other blogs, it is called Guest Blogging. This method has gained a lot of popularity recently and can be done in two different ways:
- When you write a post and have it published on another blog.
- When someone else submits a guest post to your blog.
Let’s have a closer look at what these two types really are.
Publishing guest posts on other blogs – As a blogger, you can increase the reach and exposure of your blog as well as your knowledge by writing posts and publishing them on other blogs. A guest post is not necessarily promotional stuff, but it can be on any topic which is interesting for the readers of that blog where you will be publishing the guest post. You can include a link or reference to your blog at the end of the guest post to drive traffic and users to your website or blog.
Allowing guest blogging on your blog – You can allow bloggers to guest post on your blog. This way, you will not be updating your blog yourself at all times, but you will have content / posts coming from other bloggers. Just make sure the post you are publishing on your blog is not blatant promotion and is interesting for your readers. The guest blogger can add a link at the end of the guest post to drive traffic and users to their blog or website.
Why Guest Blogging?
Guest Blogging is a great way to get backlinks from other websites to your website. The good thing is that these links stay there for a very long time unlike link directories or reciprocal link pages which are updated and cleaned regularly. Guest Blogging not only helps build quality back links to your site but it can also help drive traffic and users to your blog.
As an active blogger, you should use guest blogging to help promote your products or services. Guest blogging gets quality backlinks which help improve your website rank in search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc. It is also great for branding also.
Guest Blogging may be a slow process, but it will help in your SEO efforts. Make sure you look for blogs which are related to the theme of your website or blog where you get your guest post published.